It has been the l o n g e s t YEAR!!!!!! My 9th graders this year came into my classroom on average with a 4th grade reading level...this makes for a long year of trying to compare/contrast, cause/effect, and problem solve on any level.
To add to it, we are taking on the new Common Core Standards, Value-Added performance rating, and our legislature will soon be voting on our governor’s new plan for giving vouchers to students in C, D, or F schools to go to private schools. Also, he is allowing charters a fast track to apply directly to the state. If that isn't enough...our federal dollars may be dispersed throughout the entire parish rather than stay home with our students who have over 80% free and reduced lunches???????????
So, that looks like no pay scale, no tenure, and no funding...
If it were not for whole brain this year I don't know where my students, or myself would be. The direct instruction opportunity it offers is beyond comparison. Direct instruction is 33% more effective for teaching vocabulary than other students need vocabulary and I need summer.